Redesigned curriculum for Principles of Biology I & II including establishment of 20 new laboratory exercises at USF.
Redesigned curriculum for Senior Capstone in Biology including a required senior research project for all science majors at USF.
Oversaw advising and placement for dozens of students completing environmental internships.
Research adviser: advised 29 completed senior research projects at USF and 67 completed senior research projects at Warren Wilson.
Academic advisor: advised hundreds of students. Recommendation letters written for over 200 students.
Advisor: advised Eco Club and their major event on Earth Day each year. I've won Advisor of the Year Award three times as USF for my work with Eco Club. Eco Club won Club of the year in 2020-21.
Awards: won college-wide Teaching Excellence Award at Warren Wilson, and the university-wide Teaching Excellence and Leadership Award at the University of Saint Francis.
Teaching Highlights
Photo: USF students assessing wildlife habitat at a local park, photo by Lou Weber.
Courses taught at USF:
Ecology and Diversity (with lab)
Ecology (with lab)
Forest and Grassland Ecology (with lab)
Senior Capstone in Biology
Experimental and Research Design
Invertebrate Zoology (lecture)
Ornithology Lab
Introduction to Birds
Principles of Biology I & II (with lab)
General Biology (with lab)
Human Anatomy and Physiology I (lecture)
First-year Seminar
Science Seminar
Comparative Anatomy (lecture)
Advanced Topics (Wildlife and Conservation Biology) (grad)
Courses taught at Warren Wilson College:
Ecology (with lab)
General Biology
Human Biology
Introduction to Environmental Studies
Research Design
Conservation and Wildlife Biology
Vertebrate Zoology (with lab)
Invertebrate Zoology (with lab)
Ornithology (with lab)
Entomology (with lab)
Wildlife Management
FIPSE Exchange Program
Courses taught at Emory University:
Introduction to Environmental Studies
Environmental Issues Seminar
Conservation Biology (with lab)
Environmental Biology (co-taught)
Courses taught at Clemson University:
Conservation Biology (undergraduate)
Conservation and Ecology of Endangered Species (graduate)
Courses taught at Adams State:
General Biology Laboratory
Lou Weber with students from Warren Wilson. Photo by Naomi Otterness