Louise Weber
Faculty Teaching
Biology/Environmental Science
University of Saint Francis
Fort Wayne, Indiana
Full-time since 2012
Warren Wilson College
Asheville, North Carolina
Emory University
Atlanta, Georgia
Clemson University
Clemson, South Carolina
Adams State College
Alamosa, Colorado
Part-time Lab Instructor
Faculty advisor for over 90 undergraduate research projects
Current focus is ecotherapy, prairie restoration, Peregrine Falcon hacking, history of Native Americans in local area, early history of Fort Wayne.
Other Experience
Biology Department Chair and Professor
University of Saint Francis
Env. Studies Department Chair and Professor
Warren Wilson College
Whooping Crane Researcher
Monte Verde, Colorado
Piping Plover Researcher
Hensler, North Dakota
Environmental Educator
Camp Ville de Niza
Thoreau, New Mexico
Snail Diversity Researcher
South Bend, Indiana
Laboratory Technician
Indiana University Medical School
Laboratory Technician
Indiana Board of Animal Health
Environmental Educator
Lindenwood Nature Preserve
Fort Wayne, Indiana
Certificates in Ecopsychology and Ecotherapy from Pacifica University, 2022
M.S. University of Saint Francis, Fort Wayne
Psychology, emphasis in ecopsychology and ecotherapy. Non-thesis, 2023
Ph.D. Clemson University
Foraging ecology and conservation of shorebirds in South Carolina coastal wetlands. Dr. Susan Haig, advisor, 2004
M.S. University of Notre Dame
Interactions of grazing snails and periphyton in northern Wisconsin lakes. Dr. David Lodge, advisor, 1988
B.S. Saint Mary’s College
Notre Dame, Indiana
Biology major, chemistry minor
Senior Thesis: Painted turtle speciation., 1983

Peregrine Falcon parents feeding chicks atop AEP Building in Fort Wayne, from AEPs Falconcam.